Friday, July 8, 2011


Two projects I worked on last month are live! (and they both happen to be sweepstakes) Click on the images to visit them live online.

Katy Perry Sweeps:

Seven Daughters Wine Sweeps:

Monday, June 27, 2011


So it's been more than a month since graduation and I've been keeping myself busy by working full-time hours at, although technically I'm still considered a part-time employee. But it's nice to have a little safety cushion as I figure out what to do with my post-grad life. This blog will eventually come to an end since I'm no longer in grad school. When that time comes (most likely when I land a full-time job), perhaps I'll start a new one. For now, I'll leave you with a recent project, outside of work, I worked on this week. Recently I have been a little obsessed with infographics and saw a bunch of infographic/visual resumes. So that inspired me to create my own. I designed it entirely in Illustrator.

Friday, May 13, 2011

but you're like really pretty

So when I discovered my boss' blog, But You're Like Really Pretty, last month, it gave me the inspiration for what my final project in Motion Design could be. I wanted to create an animation using his illustrations to promote his blog. I proposed the idea to Ryan and he was totally on board. I had a lot of fun working it, so, without further ado, here it is!

Art by Ryan Casey

Sunday, May 8, 2011

my last week

That's right folks, my adventures will be coming to an end this coming Friday. It's been a long, yet quick, road to the completion of my degree. In the last two years, I've probably worked a lot harder than I ever have before, juggling school with jobs and internships. Soon it will be over and I'm looking forward to whatever is next...although at this point, I have no idea what that is.

As for now, I'm up wrapping up two final projects, which I'll then post. Until then, here is something from my internship. Most of the design work I do is rarely shown on the site because I mainly do sales/ad mocks for potential clients. But last week I was assigned to create the "Shop the Issue" collage, as seen below.

Monday, April 25, 2011

for the gleeks!

Last week I got to watch Darren Criss (aka Blaine on Glee) perform a few songs live when he stopped by the Rolling Stone office. And now you can watch them online. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

hump day treat

I recently discovered that my supervisor, Ryan Casey, at is also the creator of a hilarious blog. For all you lovers of celebrity gossip and pop culture, you will definitely get a kick out of it. Visit But You're Like Really Pretty now, for your hump day treat! It's also quite a happy coincidence that I found it soon after my last after effects project.

Here's a preview of the kind of art he makes:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

kinetic typography

The second project for my Motion Design class was to create a text animation. Our animations only had to be around 10 seconds and not as elaborate as I chose to create but I decided to challenge myself by attempting to animate a rhythmic kinetic typography (examples below). It took me a really long time and a lot of self-teaching via video tutorials but I think it came out alright for my first attempt.

I chose a quote from the movie Mean Girls as I dedicate this to my beloved Swirlies. Miss you girls!

And here are a few of my favorites that inspired me to do this (of course they're much better than mine):